Picture: A Symbolic Triptych 3 – ” The Soul’s Embrace ” Painting By Lanechka Fevola
For Holocaust Memorial Day we think of those who have perished, as the victims of Holocaust violence and hate. We are embracing the comfort and or conviction, of belief, that any who have suffered, now suffer no more. And that the antidote to hate, is at least, tolerance, and at best, love. If we cannot easily love each other, we can learn to understand each other, and we can try to respect one another.
Author Profile

- Lorenzo Cherin works as a freelance actor, writer, filmmaker, educator. He is a longstanding member, and In-House Writer and Co-Ordinator, of The Ustinov Prejudice Awareness Forum. In this capacity he also works in association with his partner, Lanechka Fevola, who contributes to projects in development and particularly her original art work, for the the Ustinov Forum.
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