Ustinov Prejudice Awareness Forum

News Desk

Much appearing in the news is a result of work going on behind the scenes. Breaking news that is hot off the press, is of course often just that, the latest, immediately heard and shared, information about a story or incident. Usually it contains detail. Normally it is true. But in an era familiar with […]

In Progress

Everywhere seems to be building developments and road works! If it isn’t done well it is best it is not done at all. In which case why do it?! The desire to improve is a human characteristic probably shared by much in nature. But the supposed improvements of buildings are hardly the stuff of natural […]

Wind Blowing…

Today is the seventy fifth anniversary of the HMS Windrush arrival in the United Kingdom. This was the boat that brought with it the first great wave of immigrants, from the Carribean, to England. As the UK Prime Minister Harold MacMillan said a few years later, the “winds of change,” blew through the Commonwealth and […]

Revolting Violence

Picture: The Paris steets burn in violent disruption.   On a day meant to celebrate a nation, in a week in which there is little it might seem, in it to celebrate, we, any of us, who care, must care to comment and react. It is the very purpose of our Forum. Bastille Day is, […]

Paying Pipers

Picture: Janusz Korczak plays in the band with children in his orphanage   The period from later July through early August, is a poignant one for admirers of the great Polish/Jewish doctor, Janusz Korczak, writer, educator, hero of the Holocaust. We celebrate his birth at the end of July and commemorate his death at the […]

Lord Attenborough

The Ustinov Forum here continues the Awareness Awards devised and started in 2022, to honour professionals in the field of culture, who have utilised their talents in that field, to increase understanding of and  make the case stronger against, prejudice. It memorialises recipients whose legacy should last and indeed shall. It continues to do so, […]

Re: Brand

If your’e a business and your brand is known, it doesn’t stop the desire by the company, often or at least sometimes, to rebrand. If your’e a one man business, this is no different. Russell Brand, the comedian turned so called, guru, is no exception. However much he rails against corporations or commodities, he is […]

The Supernova

A definition of a Supernova is “a powerful and luminous explosion of a star.” A Supernova remnant, like that depicted here in the picture, is defined as ” the structure resulting from the explosion of a star in a supernova. The supernova remnant is bounded by an expanding shockwave.” The irony and tragedy in the […]

Living Together

Here is an original answer to questions that can arise, from the horrible effects of incidents that outrage us. Please click the link below for a piece especially created during this difficult time in world events, for The Ustinov Prejudice Awareness Forum, also featured on the site of The Arts And humanity’s Cause, with both painting and writing, by Lanechka […]

Not Forgotten

Picture: War Memorial, St. Mary’s Church Nottingham As many of us are engaged with, interested in, or affected by, the current situation in Israel and Gaza, it is right to pause to pay respects to those whose connection to this conflict are heartfelt and whose heartache is lasting. The loss of civilians, initially those massacred […]